Nano A C++ template metaprogramming library


Nano is a header only library, so to use it you just need to include the header file:

#include "nano/nano.hpp"

so long as the dirctory in which the nano folder is installed is in your PATH. If it is not in your path, to will need to give the compiler the directory in which the nano headers are found, like:


A Makefile is provided to install nano to /usr/local by default (all this does is move the nano folder to /usr/local which you can change by modifying the INSTALL_DIR variable in the Makefile to the desired path).

You must then add the directory to the PATH (ideally add this to your ~/.bashrc):


Once the Makefile is setup, nano can be installed with:

sudo make install

You can uninstall nano as follows:

sudo make uninstall


Nano has been tested with the following compilers on ubuntu 15.04:

  • g++ - version 4.9.1
  • clang++ - version 3.6.1

I haven't tested it on Windows yet -- I will do a test shortly!


A test file is provided to ensure that all the functionality is working correctly. To run the test file you'll need to install the boost test library from Boost and (the test file dynamically links the test library, so you'll actually have to install the library and not just include the header file).

With Boost.Test and nano installed you can run the tests with:

make                    # builds then runs
                        # or
make build_and_run      # builds then runs

or by

make build              # only builds