Nano A C++ template metaprogramming library


Defined in list.hpp

This page gives an introduction to the nano::list type, see the examples and usage main page for all functionality.



Lists are the building block for everything that is nano. They are based off of what Alexandrescu calls typelists in Modern C++ Design, with slightly extended functionality.

The basis of the nano::list is that it hold types, these can be types such as int, double, float .., or with the numeric types defined by nano such as nano::int_t<> and nano::size_t<> -- which enable much more powerful metaprogramming.

Declaring lists is simple, for example, using a nano::list as a typelist can be done as follows:

using typelist = nano::list<int, float, double>;

But to really get the full functionality of nano, the numeric types should be used to create value lists, such as

using int_list = nano::list<nano::int_t<1>, nano::int_t<2>, nano::int_t<4>>;

List Size

Lists have size functionality, which is returned as std::size_t, the size of a list can be determined as follows:

using int_list = nano::list<nano::int_t<1>, nano::int_t<2>, nano::int_t<4>>;

// Get the size of the list
std::size_t list_size = int_list::size;

// list_size = 3 


Nano provides the get function for gettting the value of a list element at a specific index. For example

using sizet_list = nano::list<nano::size_t<1>, nano::size_t<2>, nano::size_t<4>>;

// Get the first element of the list
using first_element = nano::get<0, sizet_list>;

// first_element = nano::size_t<1>;