Nano A C++ template metaprogramming library

Numeric Types

Defined in numeric_types.hpp



Currently, nano provides the following types

  • nano::int_t<int> - for integer types
  • nano::size_t<std::size_t> - for size_t types

Additional numeric types such as floats and doubles will be added in the future.


Each numeric_type has two attributes

  • type - which is the internal type that makes up the type, so int or size_t
  • value - which is the value which the type holds


Declaring a numeric_type is done as follows

// Create a nano integer type
using int_four = nano::int_t<4>;

// Create a nano size type
using sizet_four = nano::size_t<4>;

The attributes are accessed through the scope resolution operator, so they can be used to declare types of their internal types, such as

using int_three = nano::int_t<3>;

// Use the internal int type of the nano::int_t to define an int
int_three::type new_int = 4;

or the value of the type can be used, such as

using int_three = nano::int_t<3>;

// Use the value of the nano::int_t
if (int_three::value > 2) // Do something