Welcome to Ripple’s documentation!¶
Ripple is a framework designed to make parallelization of large-scale heterogeneous applications simple, with a focus on multiple gpus systems. It is designed to reduce the difficulty of GPGPU programming, without sacrificing performance.
Currently it will use all available computational resources on a node (any number of CPUs and/or GPUs) and is currently being extended to support multi-node systems.
The target compute unit is the GPU, since it offers far superior performance compared to even large numbers of CPU cores, however, the user has a choice of which to use, and can use both, concurrently, if desired.
Ripple uses a number of abstractions to facilitate the above, which allow for simple, expressive code to run in parallel across many large systems (it has been used to run physics simulations on grids consisting of billions of cells).
The means for specifying computational flow is the graph interface, which allows computational operations and dependencies to be specified expressively and concisely, and from which ripple can determine efficient parallelization. The graph interface scales well, and with up to 7.3x for 8 V100 GPUs for non-trivial real-world problems
The documentation contains the API, main features, examples, and tutorials.
Building Ripple¶
First, get ripple from github: ripple
Currently, Ripple requires CUDA, since some of the features require it, however, we are in the process of removing the CUDA dependency for the CPU only use case . Ripple has the following dependencies:
cmake >= 3.19
clang >= 9.0 with CUDA >= 9.0 or
gcc >= 6.0 with CUDA >= 11.0
Ripple is written using C++ >= 17, which is why CUDA >= 11.0 is required if used as the device compiler, where as clang >= 9.0 has C++-17 support and can be used as both the host and device compiler.
Ripple is built using cmake, specifying various options. To see all available options for building ripple, from the project root, run
which shows the required and optional options.
Cmake support for CUDA does not always work as expected, so to build ripple, the paths to the variable compilers, as well as cuda installation, need to be specified:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake \
-DCMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=<path to cuda compiler> \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<path to cxx compiler> \
-DCUDA_PATH=<path to cuda toolkit root> \
-DCUDA_ARCHS=80;86 \
Of the above parameters, the first three are required, while the rest are optional.
If the cuda compiler is clang, then the CXX compiler is automatically set to clang as well.
If the cuda compiler is set to nvcc, the cuda host compiler will be set to the
, the cmake language feature sometimes
fails to correctly verify that the cuda compiler is correct and working. The
current fix for this is to first specify the build parameters as above using
, and then simply execute
Ripple will print out the complete build configuration at the end of the cmake command, so you can verify that the chosen parameters are correct.
This process is trying to be made simpler, but with current Cmake, this is the simplest process to ensure that the build is correct.
Getting Started¶
The shortest code to help with getting started is the SAXPY example, which is as simple as the following:
using Tensor = ripple::Tensor<float, 1>;
constexpr size_t size_x = 1000000;
constexpr size_t partitions_x = topology().num_gpus();
// Create the tensors. Partitions is always a vector, with each component
// specifying the number of partitions in the {x, y, z} dimension. Each
// partition will be reside and therefore execute on a separate gpu.
Tensor a{{partitions}, size_x};
Tensor b{{partitions}, size_x};
Tensor c{{partitions}, size_x};
float x = 2.0f;
// Create the graph, which splits the execution across the partitions of the
// tensor. The arguments to the functors are iterators which point to the
// cell in the tensor at the global thread indices.
ripple::Graph graph;
graph.split([] ripple_all (auto a, auto b, auto c, float x) {
// Set a and b to thread indices:
*a = a.global_idx(ripple::dimx());
*b = b.global_idx(ripple::dimx());
// Set the result:
*c = *a * x + *b;
}, a, b, c, x);
for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(ripple::dimx()); ++i) {
fmt::format("{} {}\n", i, *c(i));
Ripple has a lot more functionality, and the next best wat to explore some of
it is to have a look through the benchmarks, which can be found in
. If you want to build the benchmarks, then add
to the cmake configuration.
There is a lot more in depth information, which can be found through the following links:
There are three main components in ripple which provide all the functionality
and hence features for simple parallel programming. They all work together, and
are tensors, polymorphic data layout, and graphs. Each is given a brief
overview here, but see the additional links for more detailed information and
examples. Here we illustrate the main concepts with a simple example which
computes the dot product of a vector with itself, and then computes the finite
difference of the results. This is a contrived example, and real world examples
can be found in the benchmarks/
folder, but it illustrates the concepts
and is simple.
Tensors are and extension of arrays to multiple dimensions, and are used to
define the space on which computation is performed, they are templated over the
data type and the number of dimensions, similar to std::array
, but with
dynamic dimension sizes. The full use of tensors is only achieved when combined
with graphs, to define the operations on the tensors, and also with user-defined
classes which have polymorphic data layout.
For our example, we will define a 2D tensor with 1000x1000 elements, with padding element on each side of each dimension, so 1002x1002 total elements, with a custom vector class, which we will define in the next section. We also partition the tensor in the y dimension across all gpus.
// Alias for SoA (strided) tensor:
using SoATensor = ripple::Tensor<Vec2<float, ripple::strided_view>, 2>;
// To create an AoS (contiguous) tensor is as simple as:
using AoSTensor = ripple::Tensor<Vec2<float, ripple::contiguous_view>, 2>;
constexpr size_t size_x = 1000;
constexpr size_t size_y = 1000;
constexpr size_t padding = 1;
std::vector partitions = {1, ripple::topology().num_gpus()};
// Create the tensors
SoATensor soa_x(partitions, padding, size_x, size_y);
SoATensor soa_y(partitions, padding, size_x, size_y);
Polymorphic Data layout¶
For GPU codes, struct of array (SoA) data layout usually provided better performance since it results in coalesced memory access, and therefore less memory transactions and higher memory bandwidth. However, SoA can make software development difficult, so ripple enables user defined classes to have polymorphic data layout, through a template parameters, which when used with a tensor, will store the data as either SoA or AoS, allowing Object Oriented classes but good performance, as well as being able to test the actual effects on performance by changing only a few lines of code.
For our example, we will define the vector to have a polymorphic layout:
// T : Type of the data
// Layout : The layout of the data
template <typename T, typename Layout>
struct Vec2 : ripple::PolymorphicLayout<Vec2<T, Layout>> {
// Required by ripple, define that we want 2 elements of type T.
using Desc = ripple::StorageDescriptor<L, ripple::Vector<T, 2>>;
using Storage = typename Desc::Storage;
// Actual storage, like an array.
Storage storage;
// Return the x component:
auto x() -> T& {
// Static index syntax:
// Index of element in type ---|
// Type index in storage ---| |
// | |
// | |
// v v
return storage.template get<0, 0>();
// Return the x component:
auto y() -> T& {
return storage.template get<0, 1>();
// Get the Ith element:
auto operator[](size_t i) const -> T& {
// Dynamic index syntax:
// Index of element in type --|
// Type index in storage |
// | |
// | |------|
// v v
return storage.get<0>(i);
template <typename OtherLayout>
auto dot(const Vec2<T, OtherLayout>& other) const -> T {
storage.get<0, 0>() * other[0] +
storage.get<0, 1>() * other[1];
Graphs are essentially the glue which bring it all together. They define the way that the tensor data is transformed, through function objects which operate on the tensor data, and allow the dependencies and memory transfer operations to be specified between the operations.
All this results in a framework where a complete GPGPU program can be written entriely in C++ with a very minimal knowledge of GPU programming. The only real change of mindset is that functors must be written to operate on a single element in the tensor, so there is no looping.
Lastly, for out example, define the graph which performs the dot product and then the central difference.
Here the boundary elements (elements next to the padding cells) will be invalid because the padding cells don’t compute the dot product. Ripple has a number of features to handle these situations, however, for simplicity, we don’t include that here.
// Note, we could initialze the graph as
// ripple::Graph graph(ripple::ExecutionKind::Gpu)
// to default to gpu execution.
ripple::Graph graph;
// Step 1: Intialize all data to have a thread index sum:
[] ripple_all (auto x) {
x->x() = x.global_idx(ripple::dimx());
x->y() = y.global_idx(ripple::dimy());
}, soa_x);
// Step 2: Set y to the dot product of x with itself:
// This must be submitted after the previous operation, hence then_split
[] ripple_all (auto x, auto y) {
const float dot = x->dot(*x);
y->x() = dot;
y->y() = dot;
}, soa_x, soa_y);
// Step 3: Set x to the central difference using y.
// Because there is a partition, we use concurrent data access, which will
// perform a copy of the padding data from neighbouring partitions (i.e, the
// neighbour dot product result computed on any adjacent cells on a different
// gpu:
[] ripple_all (auto x, auto y) {
x->x() = y.offset(ripple::dimx(), -1) + y.offset(ripple::dimx(), 1);
x->y() = y.offset(ripple::dimy(), -1) + y.offset(ripple::dimy(), 1);
}, soa_x, ripple::concurrent_padded_access(soa_y));
// Graph is done, just needs execution:
ripple::fence(); // wait until finished