
Class MultiarchAllocator

Class Documentation

class ripple::MultiarchAllocator

MultiarchAllocator which allows for allocations on the host and multiple devices.

Each allocation is done per thread or per device, and is thread-safe.

Each allocator is simply a linear allocator, which should be reset once the memory must be freed.

Public Types

using GpuAllocator = SimpleAllocator<AllocArch::gpu>

Defines the type of the gpu allocator.

using CpuAllocator = SimpleAllocator<AllocArch::cpu>

Defines the type of the cpu allocator.

using GpuAllocators = std::vector<GpuAllocator>

Defines the type of the container for per gpu allocators.

Public Functions

MultiarchAllocator(size_t num_gpus)

Constructor to set the number of allocators and the area for each of the allocators.

  • num_gpus: The number of gpu allocators to create.

~MultiarchAllocator() noexcept

Destructor, frees all the allocated memory for the device.

auto gpu_allocator(size_t gpu_id) noexcept -> GpuAllocator&

Gets a reference to the allocator with the given gpu id.


A reference to the allocator for the gpu.

  • device_id: The id of the device to get the allocator for.

auto cpu_allocator() noexcept -> CpuAllocator&

Gets a reference to the allocator with the given thread id.


A reference to the allocator for the gpu.

  • thread_id: The id of the thread to get the allocator for.

auto reserve_gpu(size_t bytes_per_gpu) -> void

Reserves the given number of bytes for each of the gpu allocators.

  • bytes_per_gpu: The amount of memory to reserve for each gpu allocator.

auto reserve_cpu(size_t bytes) -> void

Reserves the given number of bytes for the cpu allocator.

  • bytes: The amount of memory to reserve for the cpu allocator.

auto reset_gpu() noexcept -> void

Resets all the allocators for each gpu.

auto reset_cpu() noexcept -> void

Resets all the allocators for each cpu.

auto reset() noexcept -> void

Resets all gpu and cpu allocators.


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