
Template Function ripple::load_internal_boundary

Function Documentation

template<size_t Dims, typename ItFrom, typename ItTo>
auto ripple::load_internal_boundary(ItFrom &&from, ItTo &&to) noexcept -> void

Loads padding data from the from iterator into the padding of the to iterator.


Maybe change the dims parameter to be inferred from the iterators.


The iterators must be offset to the locations from which the padding will be loaded.


If the from iterator is a smaller (in any dimension) iterator than the to iterator, the behaviour is undefined. Additionally, it must be possible to offset both itertators by the padding amount of to in each dimension.


This uses a lot of registers, and since it’s mostly used for loading of shared memory data, it needs to be improved.

  • from: The iterator to load the boundary data from.

  • to: The iterator to load the boundary data into.

Template Parameters
  • Dims: The number of dimension to load data for.

  • ItFrom: The type of the from iterator.

  • ItTo: The type of the to iterator.


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