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  • Program Listing for File pool_allocator.hpp

Program Listing for File pool_allocator.hpp

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#include "freelist.hpp"
#include <ripple/utility/forward.hpp>
#include <ripple/utility/memory.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>

namespace ripple {

/*==--- [multi-threaded free list] -----------------------------------------==*/

class ThreadSafeFreelist {
  struct Node {
    std::atomic<Node*> next;

  static constexpr size_t head_ptr_alignment_bytes = 8;

  struct alignas(head_ptr_alignment_bytes) HeadPtr {
    int32_t  offset;
    uint32_t tag;

  using AtomicHeadPtr = std::atomic<HeadPtr>;

  /*==--- [construction] ---------------------------------------------------==*/

  ThreadSafeFreelist() noexcept = default;

    const void* start,
    const void* end,
    size_t      element_size,
    size_t      alignment) noexcept {

    void* const first  = align_ptr(start, alignment);
    void* const second = align_ptr(offset_ptr(first, element_size), alignment);

    // Check that the resulting pointers are in the arena, and ordered
    // correctly:
    assert(first >= start && first < end);
    assert(second >= start && second > first && second < end);

    const size_t size     = uintptr_t(second) - uintptr_t(first);
    const size_t elements = (uintptr_t(end) - uintptr_t(first)) / size;

    // Set the head to the first element, and the storage to the head.
    Node* head = static_cast<Node*>(first);
    storage_   = head;

    // Link the list:
    Node* current = head;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < elements; ++i) {
      Node* next    = static_cast<Node*>(offset_ptr(current, size));
      current->next = next;
      current       = next;

    // Ensure that everything fits in the allocation arena.
    assert(current < end);
    assert(offset_ptr(current, size) <= end);
    current->next = nullptr;

    // Set the head pointer as the offset from the storage to the aligned head
    // element, and set the initial tag to zero.
    head_.store({static_cast<int32_t>(head - storage_), 0});

  ThreadSafeFreelist(ThreadSafeFreelist&& other) noexcept
  : head_(other.head_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)),
    storage_(ripple_move(other.storage_)) {
    other.head_.store({-1, 0}, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    other.storage_ = nullptr;

  auto operator=(ThreadSafeFreelist&& other) noexcept -> ThreadSafeFreelist& {
    if (this != &other) {
        other.head_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), std::memory_order_relaxed);
      storage_ = ripple_move(other.storage_);
      other.head_.store({-1, 0}, std::memory_order_relaxed);
      other.storage_ = nullptr;
    return *this;

  /*==--- [deleted] --------------------------------------------------------==*/

  // clang-format off
  ThreadSafeFreelist(const ThreadSafeFreelist&) = delete;
  auto operator=(const ThreadSafeFreelist&) = delete;
  // clang-format on

  /*==--- [interface] ------------------------------------------------------==*/

  auto pop_front() noexcept -> void* {
    Node* const storage = storage_;

    /* Here we acquire to synchronize with other popping threads which may
     * succeed first, and well as with other pushing threads which may push
     * before we pop, in which case we want to try and pop the newly pushed
     * head. */
    HeadPtr current_head = head_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

    while (current_head.offset >= 0) {
      /* If another thread tries to pop, and does it faster than here, then this
       * pointer will contain data from the application. However, the new_head
       * which we compute just now, using this next pointer, will be discarded
       * because _head will have been replaced, and hence current_head will not
       * compare equal with head_, and thus the compare_exhange will fail and we
       * will try again. */
      Node* const next =

      /* Get the new head element. If the next pointer is a nullptr, then we are
       * at the end of the list, and if we succeed then another thread cannot
       * pop, so we set the offset to -1 so that on success, if head_ is
       * replaced with new_head, then other threads will not execute this loop
       * and just return a nullptr. */
      const HeadPtr new_head{
        next ? int32_t(next - storage) : -1, current_head.tag + 1};

      /* If another thread was trying to pop, and got here just before us, then
       * the _head element would have ved, and it will have a different .tag
       * value than the tag value of current_head, so this will fail, and we
       * will try again.
       * This is also how we avoid the ABA problem, where another thread might
       * have popped, and then pushed, leaving the head in the same place as the
       * current_head we now have, but with different data. The tag will prevent
       * this.
       * Also, we need memory_order_release here to make the change visible on
       * success, for threads which load the upated _head. We use
       * memory_order_acquire for the failure case, because we want to
       * synchronize as at the beginning of the function. */
      if (head_.compare_exchange_weak(
            std::memory_order_acquire)) {
        /* Lastly, we need the assert here for that case that another thread
         * performed a pop between our load of _head and _head.next. In this
         * case, the next that we loaded will contain application data, and
         * therefore could be invalid. So we check that we either have a
         * nullptr, in the case that we are at the last element, or that the
         * next pointer is in the memory arena, otherwise something went wrong.
        assert(!next || next >= storage);

    // Either we have the head, and we can return it, or we ran
    // out of elements and we have to return a nullptr.
    // clang-format off
    void* p = (current_head.offset >= 0)
            ? storage + current_head.offset : nullptr;
    // clang-format on
    return p;

  auto push_front(void* ptr) noexcept -> void {
    Node* const storage = storage_;
    assert(ptr && ptr >= storage);
    Node* const node = static_cast<Node*>(ptr);

    /* Here we don't care about synchronization with stores to _head from other
     * threads which are either trying to push or to pop. If that happens, the
     * compare exchange will fail and we will just try with the newly updated
     * head. */
    HeadPtr current_head = head_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    HeadPtr new_head     = {int32_t(node - storage), current_head.tag + 1};

    /* Here we use memory_order_release in the success case, so that other
     * threads can synchronize with the updated head, but we don't care about
     * synchronizing the update of the current head because as above, if another
     * thread races ahead, we will just try again. The memory ordering with
     * respect to the current_head update is not important. */
    do {
      // clang-format off
      new_head.tag     = current_head.tag + 1;
      Node* const next = (current_head.offset >= 0)
                       ? (storage + current_head.offset) : nullptr;
      node->next.store(next, std::memory_order_relaxed);
      // clang-format on
    } while (!head_.compare_exchange_weak(

  AtomicHeadPtr head_{};
  Node*         storage_ = nullptr;

/*==--- [pool allocator] ---------------------------------------------------==*/

template <size_t ElementSize, size_t Alignment, typename FreeList = Freelist>
class PoolAllocator {
  // clang-format off
  static constexpr size_t element_size = ElementSize;
  static constexpr size_t alignment    = Alignment;
  //clang-format on

  /*==--- [construction] ---------------------------------------------------==*/

  // clang-format off
  PoolAllocator() noexcept  = delete;
  ~PoolAllocator() noexcept = default;
  // clang-format on

  PoolAllocator(const void* begin, const void* end) noexcept
  : freelist_(begin, end, element_size, alignment), begin_(begin), end_(end) {}

  template <typename Arena>
  explicit PoolAllocator(const Arena& arena) noexcept
  : PoolAllocator(arena.begin(), arena.end()) {}

  PoolAllocator(PoolAllocator&& other) noexcept = default;

  auto operator=(PoolAllocator&& other) noexcept -> PoolAllocator& = default;

  /*==--- [deleted] --------------------------------------------------------==*/

  // clang-format off
  PoolAllocator(const PoolAllocator&)  = delete;
  auto operator=(const PoolAllocator&) = delete;
  // clang-format on

  /*==--- [interface] ------------------------------------------------------==*/

  auto alloc(size_t size = element_size, size_t align = alignment) noexcept
    -> void* {
    assert(size <= element_size && align <= alignment);
    return freelist_.pop_front();

  auto free(void* ptr, size_t = element_size) noexcept -> void {

  auto owns(void* ptr) const noexcept -> bool {
    return uintptr_t(ptr) >= uintptr_t(begin_) &&
           uintptr_t(ptr) < uintptr_t(end_);

  auto reset() noexcept -> void {}

  FreeList    freelist_;
  const void* begin_ = nullptr;
  const void* end_   = nullptr;

} // namespace ripple



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